We Are All Winners

Long live the healthy competition.

The one that makes you feel inspired by your opponent, the one that pushes you to want more from yourself, the one that amuses you when you win and teaches you when you lose.

The one that shows you what you are capable of, the one that teaches you that the real competition, is between you and what you can become.

The one that makes you shoot for the stars and keeps you clever, the one who makes you discover the tricks of the other to invent your own and overcome your limits, because after all, we don’t have any.

So let’s make a toast to competition, the one, that makes you realize above all, how many other incredible people are in this world.

Besides you.

HI! If you are new here, we want you to know that ‘Oblivious Gods’ comes from the notion that we are all endowed with a great power of which most of the time we are oblivious.

#oblvsgods it’s knowing and deeply believing that we all can do great things. That each of us was born with something special, a gift, and we can use these gifts to make this world a better place.

We like to think that we are all here for a reason. We all have some work to do and lives to touch. And that what will be left of you in this world, will be what you have shared with others

This is why we encourage everyone to send us anything that has a deep meaning for you. It can be a picture, a quote or a story. As long as it makes your heart beat, we’d love to post it here and on our social networks : Instagram | Pinterest | Tumblr | Twitter. Find out how here!

You can also connect with us through our hashtag #oblvsgods @oblivious.gods on Instagram, where we post many other content you won’t be able to see here! 

Hope you’ll stick with us and grow together XOXO